The Codes of Conduct and procedures that lie behind this commitment have been developed over a number of years. If there is any more information or advice we can help you with, you can write to us at the following address:-
ABTA, 68-71 Newman Street, London W1T 3AH.
or phone (+44) 020 7637 2444
For most people, their holiday is the highlight of the year. Let ABTA help to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible on your holiday.
ABTA takes great care in checking the financial position of your travel agent and tour operator to reduce the risk of anything going wrong. In the unlikely event that it does, ABTAs discretionary scheme of financial protection will be in place. This protects the monies that you pay to ABTA travel agents and tour operators and means that:
- if you are already on holiday, you will normally be able to continue as originally planned you will never be stranded abroad.
- if you have not yet started your holiday, you will get your money back or, where possible, arrangements will be made for you to continue with the planned holiday.
If you buy flight-based packages or discounted air seats from an ABTA tour operator, protection will normally be provided by the Air Travel Organisers Licensing Scheme (ATOL) operated by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Please note, however, that in the event of the failure of a non-ABTA tour operator, even if the booking was made through an ABTA agent, you may not be protected by ABTA. You should ask your agent to obtain from the tour operator details of what financial protection is in place in the event of their failure. Completed holidays or contracts that have been broken at the time of the financial failure are not protected by ABTAs scheme of financial protection.
If you have a holiday booked with a failed ABTA travel agent or tour operator contact ABTA's Claims Department for assistance and advice. Tel: (+44) 020 7637 2444
The ABTA Codes of Conduct mean that every one of our travel agents and tour operators has to work to the highest standards of service and quality. Descriptions of travel arrangements must be compiled according to comprehensive guidelines set by ABTA to ensure clarity and accuracy.
ABTA members are required to give you comprehensive advice on insurance, visas, passports, health requirements, and any alterations to your travel arrangements.
Each ABTA member's office contains properly qualified staff. ABTA's Travel Training Company provide comprehensive courses for staff at all levels, in order to help ABTA members give you the best advice.
When you see the distinctive ABTA symbol in your tour operators brochure, in your travel agent's window, or on letterheads and advertising, you can be sure you've picked the right people to deal with.
Complaints about holidays are best dealt with on the spot by the tour operators representative. If you need to take the matter further you should first raise it with the travel agent with whom you booked your holiday. The agent may be able to help resolve the problem, but if not he or she will raise it with the tour operator concerned. If you've followed these steps but still have a dispute, we can help. Because we provide a low cost independent arbitration service to ABTA members' clients, administered by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
It is a simple inexpensive way to reach a legally binding solution, and does not require you to attend court as it is all done by paperwork. The availability of this service does not affect your rights to resolve a dispute through the courts.
When you have taken the matter up with your travel agent and or tour operator but have not had a reply after 28 days or have received an unsatisfactory reply please write to our Consumer Affairs Department.