ABTA Reference Documents
Reference documents/ forms will be added here from time to time, on request from members.
HTML Format Documents
- Amendment Form
- Booking Authorisation Form
- Booking Checklist
- Special Needs Checklist
- Police: Property Listing Form
Word for Windows Format Documents
- ABTA's Articles of Association (updated March 2000)
- Code of Conduct (updated May 2000)
- ABTA's Standards for Brochures (updated May 2000)
- ABTA's Standards for Surcharges (updated May 2000)
- Model Booking Conditions
- Insurance Indemnity Form
- Booking Authorisation Form
- Model Agency Agreement
- Special Needs Checklist
- ABTA's Articles of Association (updated March 2000)
- ABTA/ BHA Model Hotel Invoice (628k)
- Exchange rates (631k)
Acrobat PDF Format Documents
Copyright: Association of British Travel Agents 1997-2000
ABTA, 68-71 Newman Street, London W1P 4AH